2020 Annual Report
April 13, 2021
It goes without saying that 2020 presented the world with many storms. For the Pacific, these storms have been both figurative and literal. COVID-19 and the severe Tropical Cyclones (TC) Harold and Yasa delivered triple blows to Fiji and our Pacific neighbours.
Despite the challenges in 2020, the Fiji Women’s Fund continued to grow in strength, reach and impact. We supported 32 initiatives with 22 diverse grantee partners across Fiji. These grantee partners reached 18,600 people through regular programming: 10,947 women and girls, 7,085 men and boys, 501 people living with disabilities (269 women and girls and 232 men and boys) and 67 gender non-conforming people.
Through our humanitarian grants, 2,195 people were reached: 1,266 women and girls, 798 men and boys, 60 people living with disabilities (45 women and girls and 15 men and boys) and 71 gender non-conforming people.
Apart from disbursing 9 new grants focused on our thematic areas eliminating violence against women (EVAW), women’s economic empowerment (WEE), women’s leadership and decision making (WLDM), and women’s coalitions for change (WCC), we also disbursed 9 additional grants to pivot to COVID-19 and TC Harold’s humanitarian support.
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