Supports programs and projects that enhance gender equality in Fiji.

The scope and timeline of these projects can be determined by the intended short-term and long-term outcomes of the program or project. These grants will be available for core costs and long-term activities for registered and unregistered organisations.  Maximum funding of FJD 100,000 per year.

Applicants can be small, emergent, and rural-remote-based women’s networks, groups, or organisations, that have not previously had experience with donor funding or are registered established organisations networks with previous donor funding experience.

Application Process

  • For Sustainability Grants, new applicants and existing grantee partners must submit a proposal.

Step 1 – Submit a Proposal
All proposal form with supporting documents will need to be submitted via email to or hand-delivered to the:

Womens Fund Fiji office
17 & 17A, Level 1,
Mid City Complex,
Cumming Street,
Suva, Fiji

by the 1st of July, 2024, 5 pm Fiji Time.

Proposal Forms require potential applicants to provide details of the proposed project details, crosscutting themes, monitoring and evaluation, financial management, work plan and budget, and capacity development support.

Support to develop full Proposals will be provided by the Fund on an as-needed basis. Budgets should reflect actual costs related to the delivery of the proposed program and can cover overheads, program activities, staff costs, travel, training and capacity development, and visibility and communications activities.

Step 2 – Assessment & Approval by Grants Committee
The Fund team provides an initial verification of proposals submitted using the WFF Initial Proposal Assessment Criteria and conduct a due diligence process.

This is then presented and advise the Grants Committee. The Grants Committee then appraises the proposals against the criteria using the Grants Committee Proposal Assessment Form.

Each Proposal is given a score by the Grants Committee. These scores then provide direction to the Grants Committee on making a decision: Approved or Not Approved.

Step 2 – Feedback

Approved: The Fund team will liaise with potential partners to address any specific feedback/recommendations from the Grants Committee. The Fund team will conduct a review of the governance and financial management systems and begin other capacity development assessments to inform future support.

Not Approved: The Fund will notify unsuccessful applicants of the decision and feedback provided by the Grants Committee.

Application Timeline

The grant call will open in June and applicants are invited to submit proposals by the 1st of July 2024. Proposal assessment in July, and selection completed by the end of July 2024.

Assessment Process

The Grants Committee assesses the Proposals.

Grant Status

Our Sustainability Grants are currently CLOSED.

*Proposal-Form-Sustainability-Grant Application Form: Download here