A journey to self-care: My retreat experience in Bodrum, Turkey

By Kameli Tikoitoga

Nestled along the turquoise coast of Turkey, Bodrum beckoned us with its stunning beaches, charming streets and rich history. It was the perfect backdrop for a self-care retreat to nurture our minds, bodies and spirits. As I participated in this week-long journey, I explored various self-care rituals, engaged in peer learning and, most importantly, reflected on my experiences through the lens of my five senses.

In late August, the Doria Feminist Fund hosted a self-care retreat in the port city of Bodrum in Turkey. They invited participants from feminist fund organisations around the world, including Women’s Fund Fiji, FRIDA – The Young Feminist Fund, Tewa – Women’s Fund of Nepal, and MONES – Mongolian Women’s Fund. This gathering provided a rare opportunity for like-minded individuals to share experiences, exchange ideas and foster meaningful connections. It was an honour for me to attend this empowering retreat alongside my colleague, Vicky Yee.

When I arrived at the resort, the first thing that struck me was the breathtaking scenery. The sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the Aegean Sea, creating a postcard-perfect view from the retreat centre. The vibrant bougainvillea draped over stone walls added splashes of purple and pink, while the lush greenery framed every scene. Each morning, as I stood on a terrace overlooking the water, the sight of the waves gently lapping against the shore filled me with a sense of tranquility.

The sounds of Bodrum added another layer to our self-care journey. From the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze to the distant sounds of waves crashing on the shore, nature formed a soothing soundtrack. In the morning, these soft sounds surrounding us allowed me to meditate, focusing on deep breathing, which helped quieten my mind and foster a sense of inner peace.

In addition to nature’s symphony, the rhythm of laughter and conversation filled our spaces as my fellow participants shared their unique journeys and insights. Each evening, we would take time out and visit the city to just chill and relax with other colleagues, and the intimate exchange of words formed a beautiful connection among us.

The fragrant aromas of the Mediterranean added another layer to our retreat experience. Each day began with herbal tea infused with fresh mint and chamomile, their soothing scents enveloping our senses and setting the tone for relaxation. The meals, prepared with local ingredients, were a delightful fusion of flavours that nourished our bodies. The scent of grilled vegetables and fresh pastries wafted through the air, making every meal an opportunity for sharing and gratitude.

During our self-care workshops, participants exchanged gifts and we explored essential oils, blending oils like lavender and eucalyptus from Egypt, nuts from Lebanon, sweets from Nepal, and some cookies from India. The sense of sharing and caring for each other bonded us together as it seemed like a big Fijian family sharing a meal at a communal table.

The culinary experiences at the retreat were nothing short of extraordinary. Each meal was a feast for both the palate and the senses. We savoured fresh olives, fresh vegetables and creamy feta, all accompanied by the crisp taste of infused tea. The communal dining experience transformed each meal into a celebration, where we shared not only food but also laughter and stories, fostering connection and understanding amongst ourselves.

As the days passed in Bodrum, I realised that self-care is not merely a collection of rituals but a practice of consistency, connection and growth. Each sense played a pivotal role in shaping my experience, allowing me to carve out moments of introspection and gratitude amidst the beauty around me.

I realised that self-care and activism work are deeply interconnected, serving as essential components for maintaining wellbeing and fostering effective social change. Being a voice for others (through activism) often demands emotional and physical energy, which can lead to burnout if not managed properly. Prioritising self-care enables us to recharge, reflect and sustain our passion over time, ensuring we can continue fighting for the causes we believe in. By nurturing our own mental and physical health, we are better equipped to inspire others, build community resilience and create lasting impact. Moreover, embracing self-care promotes a holistic approach to our work, encouraging individuals to acknowledge their own needs while advocating for systemic change. In this way, self-care becomes not just a personal practice but a vital strategy that strengthens movements and cultivates a culture of care within our ecosystem.

The peer learning aspect of the retreat highlighted the importance of shared experiences as we discussed our individual journeys and collective challenges. We encouraged one another to embrace self-care, understanding that it is a personal and communal journey. This reminded me of self-care here at home in Fiji and how self-care is deeply rooted in the cultures and traditions of the Fijian people, often intertwined with communal values and holistic wellbeing. The concept of self-care extends beyond individual practices to include community support, with an emphasis on maintaining balance in one’s physical, emotional and spiritual health. Traditional methods such as herbal remedies, communal gatherings and cultural rituals play a significant role in promoting overall wellness. In Fiji, we prioritise the importance of family and relationships, often finding strength and healing through shared experiences and communal activities. As modern influences increase, there is a growing recognition of the need for both traditional and contemporary self-care practices, leading to a more comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing in our Fijian society.

Returning home from Bodrum, I carried with me not only memories of stunning sights and sounds but also a deeper understanding of myself and the importance of self-care. I have woven these rituals into my daily life, allowing the essence of the retreat to continue to inspire and guide me as I navigate the complexities of everyday life. Bodrum gifted me a transformative experience rooted in the beauty of self-care. As I continue to nurture the connection with my senses, I encourage anyone seeking rejuvenation to consider a retreat. A journey like mine can offer an invaluable opportunity to slow down, reflect and embrace the replenishing power of self-care amidst a beautiful, vibrant community.

About the author

Kameli Tikoitoga has over 14 years of work experience in the development sector, specifically with rural and remote communities in Fiji and the Pacific. He is actively involved in the women’s movement and has worked with organisations such as the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, PIANGO and Women’s Fund Fiji. Kameli is passionate about working with rural and remote communities to support their sustainable development across all sectors. He is currently pursuing his Master of Business Administration at the Fiji National University.

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